Advice on Completing your DBS Check Form
Write in black ink and in BLOCK CAPITALS. Leave a section blank if not required, do not write N/A anywhere.
If there is not enough room for any information then please use a continuation sheet:
continuation sheet.
(please make sure you print a continuation sheet using one piece of paper - print on both sides)
Sections a, b and c
These sections must be completed in full. The yellow fields are mandatory, and the form gives guidance on which white fields to complete.
The only exceptions are a28 and a29, these fields should be left blank, for the resons explained below.
Section d
This section must be left blank.
The government decided to halt ISA registration after this new application form had been produced. As a result applicants cannot apply for ISA
Section e
You should complete this section in full.
Sections w, x, y and z
Don’t complete these sections which are on the last page of the form.
Identity Documents
You are required to send a number of original documents to prove your identity when applying for a
check. You should also include a photocopy of each document. Find out which documents to
Final checklist
When posting your DBS application form to us, you should include:
1. The completed form, following the instructions above.
2. The original, and a photocopy of each required identity document.
3. A completed GDPR privacy policy form.
Please also ensure that you have transferred the fee for the third party charity who process DBS Checks for us; £45 to our account (Account number: 80808601, Sort code: 20-37-21, Your reference: Initial Surname DBS).
Everything should be sent to our address:
Blue Tutors
Apartment 3
Ponsbourne Manor
Newgate Street Village
SG13 8QR
More in depth information about completing the application form can be found on the DBS website