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Articles by Tutors

  1. 16-03-21: Blue Tutors: Quality Tutors, with a Sincere Mission

    A look at what makes Blue Tutors different from other tuition agencies. We interview one of the founders, Peter Edwards, and share the thoughts of some of their tutors.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Lydia McNeill.

  2. 07-12-13: Unleashing Creativity

    Unleashing creativity with extra-curricular activities

    An Article by a Tutor written by Sophie Ackroyd.

  3. 05-10-13: Reading between the Lines

    A common complaint of English students analysing literature is that 'it doesn't really say that'; this article addresses the importance and relevance of personal, creative interpretation of texts.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Tommo Fowler.

  4. 10-08-13: Guitar-it's the instrument for you!

    Think you can't play an instrument? Read on, because you can!

    An Article by a Tutor written by Nicholas Rogers.

  5. 06-07-13: Learning to learn or loving to learn?

    Why do we learn? Why do we need tutors to learn? In this brief article I set out why I think learning is fundamental to us as humans and how we should see tutors with regards to that human nature

    An Article by a Tutor written by Daniel Treger.

  6. 15-06-13: Keeping Up During the Downtime

    Keep your mind active and occupied during your time away from the books... In the more relaxed pace you may even discover a new love for your subject.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Annetta Henry.

  7. 04-05-13: Romeo and Juliet lesson plan Love Imagery - help yourselves

    Both lovers compare each other to forms of light.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Jessica King.

  8. 24-11-12: Mastering the Class

    *David Pope, singer, tutor and schoolteacher, explores the importance of the singing masterclass and outlines how to deliver one effectively.*

    An Article by a Tutor written by David Pope.

  9. 17-11-12: The Problem of GDP

    A look at what GDP is, its significance and the issues lying with the measure.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Libaharan Ravindran.

  10. 27-10-12: Dealing with exam stress

    Pre-exam stress has been shown to 'boost' certain students' grades. However, stress needs to be handled effectively.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Carys Evans.

  11. 22-09-12: La Bataille Navale

    Learning a foreign language can be made easier by playing word games.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Jessica King.

  12. 23-06-12: Shakespeare: start ‘em young

    I teach English and English literature to students of all ages.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Robin Meltzer.

  13. 19-05-12: Model Answer, History of Art AS

    I had a look at the mark scheme for AS Level art history, and compiled the following essay question and answer. Consider it like an advertisement for my services. Judge for yourselves.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Jessica King.

  14. 12-05-12: The past is a foreign country - you need a qualified tour guide

    Use of historical example, English Civil War, to illustrate the complexity of the relationship between State and People, and nobility and clergy, in this period of dramatic change.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Jessica King.

  15. 05-05-12: ATS School of Thought in Translation

    Translators are (not) traitors as said by many some would-be specialists.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Muhammad Taghian.

  16. 28-04-12: Arabic-English Specific Features

    Arabic is not a difficult language; it's systematic and governed by rules.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Muhammad Taghian.

  17. 29-10-11: The effect of a language learner's age on their ability to learn a new language

    This article explores whether there is a certain age at which a learner should begin learning a new second language in order that they can best grasp all aspects of the language. How a language teacher can use this information is also looked at.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Ameer Virani.

  18. 17-09-11: Bar is raised

    Students need to become more serious in their study now than before.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Mohammed Alam.

  19. 10-09-11: Why Study Classics?

    I wrote this article for Club UK which is a magazine the Guardian produces for the British council, and thought it may be of interest to pupils studying Latin and other classical subjects, especially those thinking of doing a degree in Classics.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Jonathan Knott.

  20. 03-09-11: Skype: A real breakthrough

    Teaching a student Panjabi over video calls on Skype.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Dalmeet Chawla.

  21. 27-08-11: Chaging face of education

    An article which describe about online teaching

    An Article by a Tutor written by Mohammed Alam.

  22. 11-02-11: Universities must admit students from poorer backgrounds

    This week the government announced that severe penalties will be placed on universities which charge higher fees and fail to admit students from poorer backgrounds.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  23. 04-02-11: Girls Schools less popular

    According to the Independent schools council, in 2000 there were 221 Girls Association schools educating 114,772 pupils in the UK. This number has diminished over the last 10 years to 185 schools educating 100,762.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  24. 07-01-11: Coalition advised to scrap GCSEs

    Former education secretary Estelle Morris has today joined the ranks of those calling for GCSE exams to be scrapped.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  25. 31-12-10: Surge in private tuition amongst undergraduates

    Many agencies report a surge in requests from undergraduates for a broad range of subjects, evidence which supports the view that A’ levels do not adequately prepare students for university.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  26. 17-12-10: Tutoring Students, Tutoring Parents

    One of the ways in which home tutoring differs from classroom teaching, is the level of engagement from parents.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  27. 10-12-10: Tough times for students as universities respond and fees debate critical

    As students receive offers and rejections from universities the fees debate looms in the background.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  28. 26-11-10: Student Protest Growing in Size and Anger

    It is thought that over 130,000 students staged various forms of protest across the country, including occupations, school and university walk-outs, mass letter writing and demonstrations.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  29. 13-11-10: The Starting Line- Ready, Set, GO!

    Investing in a tutor can give your child that initial head start. By doing so, you can offer your child the knowledge and understanding they will need in life. Not only will they be ahead at the starting line, they will also be quicker consistently

    An Article by a Tutor written by (Siu Wai) Samuel Chung.

  30. 12-11-10: Student Demonstration attracts 50,000

    On Wednesday this week over 50,000 students and lecturers attended a student led demonstration outside Whitehall the like of which has not been seen since the 1980s.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  31. 05-11-10: Pushy Parents can help students

    Recent research has shown that parental involvement can improve grades

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  32. 29-10-10: Advice for tutors with students under pressure

    Of all the issues tutors face, dealing with students who are put under extreme pressure by their schools, families, and even themselves can be the most challenging.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  33. 22-10-10: Browne report leaves tutors and students outraged

    If we follow Browne’s logic, that society can’t afford to invest in these areas, it follows that students paying for their own education in these subjects have zero obligation to our society.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  34. 15-10-10: Oxbridge entry puts unprecedented pressure on students

    As the deadline for oxbridge entry looms, I wonder whether hardest role of the tutor is not to prepare students for interviews, but just to keep them sane.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  35. 08-10-10: Multitasking is holding students back

    Students are now so used to multitasking that they see no problem with watching tv, texting their friends and doing their homework all at once.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  36. 01-10-10: Exam marking puts students under extra pressure

    Increasing focus on meeting assessment objectives puts students under extra pressure and hinders their learning.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  37. 24-09-10: Government Reforms Affect Teacher's Morale

    Recent developments with A'levels and university applications are affecting teachers as well as students.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  38. 17-09-10: Half of students with Special Educational needs misdiagnosed

    Half of students deemed to have Special Education Needs are misdiagnosed, the reality being that they simply need better pastoral care.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  39. 10-09-10: What does a dream school look like?

    The colaition is encouraging communities to set up their own schools - what features would a dream school have?

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  40. 03-09-10: Should we push gifted children?

    As a 15 year old student is accepted at Cambridge university, we have to ask whether pushing gifted children is the right approach.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  41. 27-08-10: Rise in GCSE pass rate raises questions over exam quality

    As the GCSE pass rate rises for the 23rd year in a row, we have to ask whether exams are serving their purpose.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  42. 20-08-10: Teaching Shakespeare to Teenagers

    Shakespeare’s plots are perfect for teenagers - we should be encouraging them to study it rather than marginalising it in the curriculum.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  43. 13-08-10: Gap years may be the solution for over-crowded universities

    As universities are turning away record numbers, a gap year can be a good solution

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  44. 06-08-10: Will Gove’s reforms damage widening participation in higher education?

    Universities are warning that a harder A level will damage access

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  45. 30-07-10: Private tuition and the real key to university entrance

    Memorising a revision guide is not enough to get students into top universities - private tutors should aim for deeper understanding.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  46. 23-07-10: Tutoring can help undermine gender stereotypes

    Tutoring can help undermine negative gender stereotypes at school

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  47. 16-07-10: Return to Old-Style A levels

    Tutors breathe a sigh of relief with return to old style A levels

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  48. 09-07-10: The diverse experience of tutoring in London

    Tutoring in London can be a fascinating experience, providing insights into British families and their attitudes towards education.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  49. 02-07-10: Private Tuition for ’Challenging’ Students

    What is the best way for private tutors to approach challenging students?

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  50. 25-06-10: tutors help students manage stress, rather than contribute to it.

    Students are under more pressure to perform well than ever before. Can private tuition help reduce stress?

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  51. 15-01-10: about me and my classes

    Before you email me, here are a few details to help you know me better.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Manuela Cuevas.

  52. 28-12-09: “Life is about storytelling.” Discuss with reference to the writing of Diderot.

    A section from a recent essay I wrote on the French writer, Diderot. Although the content is interesting in itself, the article demonstrates skills in both linguistic and literary analysis I encourage in my students.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Daniel MacPherson.

  53. 14-11-09: Has democracy proved compatible with imperialism?

    A review of the lives of Theodore Roosvelt and Joseph Chamberlain in relation to their seemingly incompatible democratic and imperialist tendencies.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Chris Chapman.

  54. 14-11-09: Was it Southern generals or politicians that lost the war for the Confederacy?

    A new look on the demise of the South in the US Civil War, and where to lay the blame.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Chris Chapman.


    An Article by a Tutor written by Chris Chapman.

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