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Articles by Tutors from August 2010

  1. 27-08-10: Rise in GCSE pass rate raises questions over exam quality

    As the GCSE pass rate rises for the 23rd year in a row, we have to ask whether exams are serving their purpose.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  2. 20-08-10: Teaching Shakespeare to Teenagers

    Shakespeare’s plots are perfect for teenagers - we should be encouraging them to study it rather than marginalising it in the curriculum.

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  3. 13-08-10: Gap years may be the solution for over-crowded universities

    As universities are turning away record numbers, a gap year can be a good solution

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  4. 06-08-10: Will Gove’s reforms damage widening participation in higher education?

    Universities are warning that a harder A level will damage access

    An Article by a Tutor written by Harriet Boulding.

  1. "Jeremy has been by far the best tutor we have seen. He is the only tutor who has studied the exact subject which he teaches. While the other three were undoubtedly competent to teach the relevant subjects, I think it does make a difference if the tutor has studied the exact subject which he or she is teaching."
  2. Miss P, London