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Training in Exeter and Tutors Can Now Upload Photos

26th October 2010 9:00
By Blue Tutors

I’m writing this in a bit of a rush, because I’m about to leave for Exeter, where I’m training an tutor assessor, and to be honest, I should have left half an hour ago.

Anyway, a large part of my work in the last week has been creating the facility that allows tutors to upload their profile photo directly onto the website. This is going to save so much time for us, because usually we have to scan and crop photos that tutors bring to assessments, or we have to download them from email attachments. Also, it’s going to be so much better for tutors, because they can now upload a photo they actually like, rather than using a passport photo, which tutors seem to universally hate.

The next step is to allow students to log in and view a photo of their tutor before the first lesson, so when you turn up to the student’s home, they know that you are who you say you are.

Right, got to run now...