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English Schoolteacher to be Tutor for Qatar Royal Family

3rd January 2011 9:00
By Blue Tutors

A schoolteacher is going to Qatar to be a private tutor for the Qatar Royal Family. In a report on the Westmorland Gazette it’s explained that Lynne Ogris will leave Kirkby Stephen Grammar school, and will fly to Qatar sometime in mid-January to teach a young member of the Royal Family. Lynne has been teaching Religious Education at Kirkby Stephen for five and a half years.

Ogris got the post through an agency in London, and is both excited and anxious about what to expect. She will live within the grounds of the Royal Family, and has a one month trial period before signing a one year contract. She will also have a bodyguard following her around while she is tutoring.

Lynne is leaving her son, 20, behind while he studies at Kings College London. She lived in California for 11 years with her husband, but when he died she moved back to the UK, and has been teaching in schools since. Lynne said “It’s a new experience, a new adventure, and it’ll be fun”.