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Lots of Tutor Assessments to do

21st June 2011 9:00
By Blue Tutors

I did something I was quite proud of last week. It was the final stage of a programming task, which was to create an active form using Javascript, which adds fields as others are filled in. That’s quite a simplistic description – honestly, it’s much more sophisticated that it sounds, and it means that I can really get to work on lots of things. The first being categorising all the qualifications that have been entered by our tutors and students, which will take a while because it means going through some 6000 entered subjects, but it will be well worth it once I’m finished, because we will then have a much better system for deciding how suited a tutor is to teach a particular subject.

I was also helping out with processing tutor applications last week, which is usually done by Harriet, but the volume over the last 7 days has meant it’s meant sense to help out a little. I’ve arranged to conduct a lot of tutor assessments in Cambridge and Oxford at the end of the week, more than I would usually be comfortable doing, but we really want to give as many tutors as possible the opportunity to have an assessment with us before they leave university for the summer.