29th March 2011 9:00
By Blue Tutors
The most exciting thing to happen the last week was the proper start of our online tuition project. On Wednesday I met with the programmer in Cambridge, and everything’s starting to take shape. If I’m honest, there aren’t that many things that need to be decided. We have to work out how to match students to tutors, because a lot of the time it will be instant; students will sign in, and can send requests to all the online tutors.
The great thing about trialling our online tuition system soon is that it’s right around exam time. We get a lot of requests in May from students who want tuition that evening, and it really is very difficult to find a tutor at such short notice. However, online tuition will mean that a student can sign in and begin lessons within 5-10 of arriving at the website. Hopefully, this summer, we’ll be helping many more students who need last minute help.