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Distractions, but Progress with Tutoring Course

13th September 2011 9:00
By Blue Tutors

I’ve been a bit annoyed with myself this week. I’m still in the throws of sorting everything out after moving, and it’s really distracting to try and work while there are boxes and piles of paper around you that need sorting out. To compound all this I’ve been a little ill, which has made concentrating and not getting distracted even harder. Another ‘problem’ is that there have been so many tutors and students to match up, which I’m in charge of, and whilst this is obviously good for us right now, when it takes upwards of two hours a day, it really does eat into the rest of my work.


This week I did spend some time discussing the tutoring course I’m working on with one of our best tutors. The chat really helped, and I’ve slightly changed my feelings about the style of the course. It was a combination of short lectures, followed by group discussion, and exercises in pairs, but in the discussion last week we came to the conclusion that the focus should be much more on the exercises, and asking the attending tutors to practise the ideas. I’m hoping to run a practise session sometime in October, and then we can start to offer it en mass to tutors all over the country.