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Exams Affect Tutor Recruitment

5th June 2012 9:00
By Blue Tutors

It was interesting to measure the response to our flyers in Oxford and Cambridge over the last week. Initially it was actually slower than I expected, which was a bit of a worry, but I realised that we distributed the flyers earlier than usual, probably just because I was more organised than in previous years. The result was that lots of students were pre-occupied with exams when the flyers arrived in their pigeonholes, so whereas usually interested tutors would rush back to their computer to register with us as soon as they could, instead they were clearly delaying that until after the Tripos shadow had lifted. In future I’ll have to remember to distribute the flyers slightly later; clearly a week can make quite a difference.


Otherwise I’m happy to report that my qualification categorisation is coming along nicely, and by next week I’m hoping to have the most popular disciplines categorised into the basic structure so that I can then take the remaining disciplines to friends, plead ignorance, and hope that they’ll explain how the obscure subjects fit into the basic structure. However, there’s a threat to me working hard on the horizon, and that’s the European Championships which start on Friday. It’ll just mean that I’m downing tools at 4:59 every day, but that’s what I’ve been trying to do recently anyway.