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My Working Hours

1st May 2012 9:00
By Blue Tutors

I made a resolution last week to try and keep my work between 9 and 5 and on weekdays. I’ve found recently that I’m increasingly working in the evenings and on weekends, and often during the night. Friends often ask me what my working hours are, and my response was always that it’s completely random, and that I work whenever I can, thinking that this was a good thing. However, I began to wonder whether I’m actually delaying certain tasks during the day, and just procrastinating, then working until 6am, and then being so tired the following day that I make mistakes and am unproductive. I’m going to try and stop this. I’ve always worked more quickly and better when I have a deadline anyway, so my hope now is to see 5pm as the time by when something has to be finished. I’m sure I won’t keep to that all the time, and when something is urgent I’ll have no choice but to work into the night, but hopefully most of the time I’ll stick to those hours, and it will help.


Otherwise I haven’t done much that’s worth noting this week. More on qualifications, and sprawling around the floor with my massive tree to categorise disciplines. I’ve also been speaking to Laura a fair amount about issues with tutors and students, which are always more numerous at this time of year just because of the sheer volume of lessons taking place, and that students are beginning to panic, and contact us for slightest little concern. Not that we’re complaining, that’s why we’re here.