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Tutor Feedback

16th October 2012 9:00
By Blue Tutors

There was a seemingly very small change to the website last week. We changed the way that feedback is displayed so that it’s now a five star system. Obviously part of the reason for this is that it looks pretty, but there’s actually a practical reason. Students have always given feedback on their tutor over the phone or via email, which we at Blue Tutors have had to score out of 10. The trouble with this system is that two students may be equally happy with their tutor, but simply because one student is more emotive than the other, their feedback is scored more highly.


We’ve now moved to a system where feedback can only be a whole number between 0 and 5, so if we do have to score a piece of feedback, it’s much easier. Anything which is completely positive gets a 5. The result should be tutors feeling happier with their feedback score because it’s more likely that they’ll average 5/5 or close. Even though before a feedback score of 8.5/10 was exceptional, our tutors tend to be perfectionists, and wondered how they had lost those 1.5 points. Also, students would see a tutor with a feedback score of 8.5, and think ‘hmm, I’ll wait for a tutor whose score is over 9’. Fingers crossed that the system will work much better from now on.