15th April 2013 9:00
By Blue Tutors
The tutoring course I ran last week went very well, and by that I mean that I discovered loads about how it can be better. Essentially it seemed to be really helpful, and well received by those attending, but even before I spoke to people afterwards, I was aware of improvements that can be made. It does mean a fair amount more work, but it’s kind of exciting to have a vision of how good it will be by the end.
Harriet was supposed to be back at work today, but unfortunately, a week before getting back to the UK, her computer stopped working, and she’s had a bit a nightmare trying to retrieve all her fieldwork data, and having a computer so she can work. Anyway, it means that Rhian’s still working, and we’ll do the changeover this week hopefully, or I’ll have to do some admin for a couple of days, which I’m dreading.