28th January 2013 9:00
By Blue Tutors
Well I hope not much tuition was affected by the snow last week. I was in Newcastle and Edinburgh until Monday, which was incredibly lucky, because it was decent weather up there (very cold, but little snow) until Monday morning, and when I left it all switched from London to the North East, but I saw the aftermath.
If you were tutoring far from home then I hope you got back ok. I remember when I first began tutoring, I had left one student and got on the tube to another. When I got out at Belsize Park there was already a couple of inches of snow, and by the time I’d finished tutoring for the evening the trains were just about grinding to a halt. Not a pleasant trip home.
Anyway, enough talk about the weather. I’m actually moving house today, so lots of last week was spent arranging things for that. The one very productive piece of work I did though was to plan the next few months of online tuition development, after the time spent working with my friend in Newcastle. I’m quite excited to get started with that; there are lots of new programming things I have to do.