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Tuition Referrals

14th January 2013 9:00
By Blue Tutors

We were recently contacted by an online tuition company, who were looking for someone to refer their clients to if/when they wanted home tuition, rather than through a computer. Obviously it’s a great arrangement for both of us, but it did present a slight problem in that it takes a significant amount of time to enter each student’s details into our database. My solution is to look into the way to send information between two websites, something I haven’t really done before. So far it all looks fairly doable, but I’ll have to sell it to the company referring students to us. Hopefully they’ll see that it will be much easier for them too.


I’ve also been continuing work on our qualifications system, which has been a mammoth task. There is some light at the end of the tunnel now though; I’ve categorised all the disciplines now which have been entered more than once, which just leaves quite obscure entries like ‘Marine Biology with Dolphin Management’. It feels like I’ve got a handle on the qualification types as well, which, thankfully, has turned out to be far less time consuming than the disciplines were.