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Finished Categorising Qualification Types

20th May 2013 9:00
By Blue Tutors

Last week I finally finished another step in my grand qualification categorisation project. This was trying to correct the qualification types that tutors and students enter, so that, for example, ‘A Level’, ‘A-level’ and ‘Alevel’ are all seen as the same thing. It sounds straightforward, but there are thousands of different qualification types that people have entered, and sometimes it’s not easy to know what they’re referring to; when someone just writes ‘certificate’ or ‘school’, we have to figure out how to deal with that. The next task is scoring each of the qualification types so that we can work out each tutor’s proficiency in a particular subject, and also the requirements of each student.


Otherwise things are now starting to calm down in terms of numbers of tuition requests. Obviously lots of students don’t have their last exams until June, but anyone contacting us now really has left it until the last minute. My plans now are really focussed on getting a good crop of tutors over the summer in preparation for late August when the tuition requests will start flooding in again.