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Tuition News from August 2016

  1. 25-08-16: GCSE results – what is really going on and what can we expect next year?

    News of the “unprecedented” drop in GCSE results have hit the headlines across the UK, but the overall statistics mask what is really going on. What do the results really mean and what is in store for next year’s cohort?

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 21-08-16: A-level results and clearing

    A-level results are in, but what have the recent changes meant for University places?

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  3. 13-08-16: Changes to exam marking appeals – why this year’s marks could be “the most unfair in a generation”

    With A-level results being released this week, there is growing concern over the new appeals process. Changes were hastily announced just a couple of months ago, leaving confusion in schools and many feeling that this year’s students are getting a raw deal. What has actually changed and how will this affect this year’s results and students?

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  4. 05-08-16: The cost of University education – maintenance grants vs. graduate wage premiums

    Following the news that university students can look forward to tuition fee inflation, the new government deals a further blow to student finance by swapping grants for loans. With the abolition of maintenance grants, is a UK University degree a financially sound investment? Doing the sums has shown that the wage premium for graduates may not balance the cost of undergraduate education.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "I think I was very lucky to have Andie as a Tutor. She was very clear in her explanation and focussed on the parts which needed improvement. I felt I made good progress, moreover, I enjoyed the lessons!"
  2. Mr H, London