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Exam Technique: Giving Examiners What They Want

24th May 2019 1:00
By Blue Tutors

When we speak to parents for the first time and we’re getting more information about the sort of help they need, probably the most common feedback is that the student is bright and capable but can’t seem to convert that into good exam results. It’s a common problem and some students say they can write ad infinitum for a question, feel that they know the subject inside out, but it doesn’t seem to equate to more marks.

The mystical term “exam technique” is how some people might describe this problem. Exams are set by academics and academics expect answers that fit a certain format. As we continue further in academia this format becomes clearer and clearer, but it’s a very intelligent person who cottons on to it as early as GCSEs. Is it unfair when someone understands something but gets poor marks? Maybe, but it’s a game which isn’t going to change, and one we all have to play.

One of the reasons we pride our tutors so highly is because they understand exam technique so well. An Oxbridge education develops the deep understanding which is important for a tutor to have and convey, but that’s useless unless the student knows how to answer a question.

If a tutor hasn’t been an examiner then they have almost definitely watched one mark. Faced with hundreds of papers and with limited time, do we really expect an examiner to read every word and number? Try to understand every illegible piece of handwriting? Maybe that is what we expect, but in reality giving an examiner what they want is a sure fire way to ensure you get the grade you deserve.

Teachers have a difficult job, and developing exam technique on an individual basis is simply impossible. Tutors, however, have that precious time to help students understand what is needed. Often it’s mentioning a specific word which an examiner has to see, or cutting down waffle into a succinct answer the examiner doesn’t have to wade through. Essay structure and keeping to a point evidence analysis way of answering are things which seem so simple when explained, but they do need to be explained!

It is invaluable to have a tutor go through an exam paper with a student and point out what can be done to improve their marks. So many parts of a struggle student’s answers can be improved so quickly with just a small amount of guidance. Obviously the harder challenge for a tutor is to develop the understanding students need to get the best grades and study that subject to a higher, but the easy part for a tutor is giving examiners what they want.