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Tuition News from December 2010

  1. 29-12-10: Controversial SATS Tests Show Improvement in Standards

    The results of primary school tests in Maths and English have recently been released.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 27-12-10: Tutoring Programme in Lynn Uses a Variety of Tutors

    How tutors from different walks of life, and different backgrounds, are using unique experiences to help the students they tutor.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  3. 22-12-10: Tutor from Haverford College Wins Scholarship to Oxford University

    A tutor at the A Better Chance House (ABC) in Ardmore has become the 20th person to attend Haverford College and become a Rhodes Scholar.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  4. 20-12-10: Unveiling the Oxford Admissions Process – A Tutor’s-Eye-View

    For the first time we will be given an insight into Oxford University’s admissions process, as videos are being published

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  5. 15-12-10: Severe Cuts for Sixth Forms

    Recent announcements by the government have confirmed that funding for Sixth Forms in the UK is to be significantly cut

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  6. 13-12-10: Tutoring Programme Starts in Fast-food Restaurant

    One of the most bizarre tutoring programmes has started in Bowie in the USA.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  7. 08-12-10: Successful University Tutoring Programme in East Carolina

    A student created tutoring scheme in East Carolina University is finding that there is an ever increasing demand for the services they offer.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  8. 06-12-10: Form Tutor Reproached for Poor Spelling and Grammar

    A form tutor at Gleed Girls’ Technology College in Spalding has recently been criticised for poor spelling and grammar.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  9. 01-12-10: Online Tuition Competes with the ‘Big Society’

    In a recent report on the Economist website, we’re told how, despite the current government obsession with the ‘big society’, online tuition from the other side of the world is becoming increasingly popular.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "She is an excellent tutor and we are glad to have her"
  2. Mrs M, Cambridge