22nd March 2011 9:00
By Blue Tutors
I forgot to mention on this blog that a couple of weeks ago we had a real website scare. Anyone visiting the site was presented with a pretty serious security warning saying that our website was unsafe. I basically spent the whole day trying to figure out what was wrong only to find that it was due to a loophole in Wordpress’ security. We have a Wordpress installation to display our articles because it’s supposed to help improve our website visibility, and a malicious script got onto one of our pages. It was both frustrating and reassuring to find that the problem wasn’t due to anything we had done wrong; it’s just not something you expect from well respected software.
Something that’s been added this week is a page on the tutors’ section showing tutors a history of their past invoices, and whether they have any existing payment requests. It’s strange that this page hadn’t been added before, and was actually quite easy to do. I’m currently working through tasks based on how easy they are to do, and how much they’ll help our tutors and students.
This week I’m off to Cambridge to start work on our online tuition project. Our new programmer is ready to start work, and we’re going to plan his schedule over the next 2-3 weeks. I’m pretty excited about this, because it will be the biggest addition to Blue Tutors since we started in terms of the services we provide.