4th July 2011 9:00
By Blue Tutors
A new Arab online tuition website has been launched hoping to serve over 9 million students in the Middle East and North Africa regions. Reported on the Gulf News website, Emuallim is looking to exploit the increasing internet access in the areas to offer one-to-one tuition to as many students as possible over the internet.
One advantage is the increased access to tuition for female students, because the cultural restrictions on women in predominantly Muslim countries makes it difficult for them to attend individual tutoring lessons in the same way that male students can. The co-founder of the tuition website added that “Culturally, online tutoring makes sense to the Arab world, it’s an advantage for the students as well as parents saving precious time, money and travel.”
The tuition is conducted through audio between the tutor and student’s computers, and they can also type messages and share documents. Added to this, every lesson is recorded, and can be replayed by the student at any time. Video communication is optional, but the founders believe that it’s a good simulation of a classroom environment.