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Blue Tutors Articles from December 2012

  1. 24-12-12: Private Tutoring Increasingly Popular for Adults

    Private tutoring has become increasingly popular amongst parents hoping to help their children improve their exam grades. However, in recent year, the tuition boom has also taken off amongst adults, who are increasingly considering tuition as an option for themselves as well as their children.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 19-12-12: What Tutors can Learn from Children's Book Groups

    Much of the business tutors get is for GCSE and A’ level tuition, and we have a window of time to prepare students for exams. However, parents are increasingly hiring tutors for younger children, looking to improve their general skills in reading at a young age.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  3. 12-12-12: Music Tuition in Decline

    Arts councils and teachers in the UK have recently expressed outrage at the lack of focus on art and music in the new school curriculum. The subjects are no longer compulsory and many schools are dropping the subjects and cutting after schools programmes. In recent years, whilst requests for tutoring in core subjects have gone up, requests for music and instrumental tuition are in decline.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  4. 05-12-12: Live-in Tutors

    Those wishing to make as much money as possible in a short period, for example over the summer holidays, are sometimes given the opportunity to live with their students’ families to offer intensive tuition.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "Our tutor seems to be very good and has built up a good rapport with my daughter - we are very happy with his lessons so far."
  2. Mrs H, Birmingham