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Blue Tutors Articles from February 2019

  1. 22-02-19: Do You Want a Tutor with a PGCE?

    We always try to help clients understand that tutoring and school teaching is very different, and we hope they choose to trust our judgement about what makes a great tutor. It's what we do.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 15-02-19: The Problem With Unconditional University Offers

    As tutors, we're aware that unconditional university offers lead to less studying and worse undergraduates.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  3. 08-02-19: A Tutor’s Primary Goal: Not to be Needed

    A tutor should be trying to create a better student, not just a student who is better at the topics they study together.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  4. 01-02-19: Should We Change the University Application Process

    The problem with university applications is not the time when students apply, it is the fact that some universities are motivated by the number of students they can entice, and the not the quality of their undergraduate intake.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "I will like to say a big thank you to Peter and pass on our gratitude for nurturing Joanna through the past 2 years. He has been inspiring for her and a friend. Joanna will let him know her results which I hope will reflect the time, effort and enthusiasm that he contributed."
  2. Sally, Cambridge