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Blue Tutors Articles from February 2018

  1. 09-02-18: Parents Evening and Tutee Reviewing: a small handbook

    Here is a small list of hints and tips to help you through your parents evening, which in some schools start at this midpoint in the year, especially if its your first. Many of these tips can be interpreted for use in tutees reviews, and it may be interesting for parents to read if only so they can understand what it is that they can and cannot ask at such events.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 02-02-18: Identifying and working with shy students.

    A consideration into the different personality types to be found in the average classroom, an introductory explanation and helpful tips into how to look after and help shy an introverted students to flourish in the classroom environment, which is not naturally a safe and comfortable space for them.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "I am very happy with your tutor's tuition lessons for my son. With his help my son achieved a high B for his AS level. Thank you"
  2. Ms S, London