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Tuition News from February 2018

  1. 28-02-18: Busting Myths on University Tuition Fees

    Are university tuition fees worth the debt that students are left with once they graduate? The government are launching a review into this, and these are some of the myths surrounding tuition fees.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 07-02-18: Oxbridge Uproar over Colonialism Debate

    A closer look at the recent drama unfolding in Oxford concerning one professors apparently pro-colonialist comments published in a national newspaper. How he was influenced by a largely discredited American academic and how the university staff and students have turned against him in an open letter.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "Nick discovered on Friday that he has passed. Thank you so much for all help. He really enjoyed working with you. You helped restore his battered confidence."
  2. Mrs W, York