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Tuition News from March 2019

  1. 27-03-19: Parents Lie About Tutoring to Avoid ‘Pushy’ Appearance

    Parents admit that they might lie about hiring a tutor to avoid the stigma attached.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 20-03-19: Cambridge to Offer Second Chance Places to Disadvantaged Students

    Cambridge University will offer around 100 places to disadvantaged students this summer for those who achieved stronger than expected A Level results.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  3. 13-03-19: French and German GCSE Entries Fall by Half in UK Schools

    The number of students studying languages in the UK is rapidly falling, with the perception that they are the hardest subjects.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  4. 06-03-19: Falling Class Sizes Leads to Falling Teacher Salaries

    A study has shown that reducing class sizes usually means that schools have to cut teacher's pay, which in turn leads to worse teaching.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "Really really really good. She was an excellent tutor."
  2. Ms S, Croydon