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Tuition Articles from April 2020

  1. 08-04-20: Research Suggests Schools Should Reopen

    Research from UCL suggests that the negative impacts of school closures during the coronavirus outbreak outweigh the positives

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 03-04-20: Out of the Ordinary Tuition Requests

    Sometimes tuition requests don't fit into a clear category, and we need another way to find the perfect tutor.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "We are extremely happy with your tutors. They were all of exceptional quality and even my son, who was not too sure whether to have chemistry tutoring, was very enthusiastic about the help he got and doesn't find his goal of an A so daunting anymore. I am also sure that any grade my daughter will get will be at least one higher then she would have achieved otherwise."
  2. Mrs D, Milton Keynes