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More Assessors Trained, but a few Distractions Elsewhere

10th August 2010 9:00
By Blue Tutors

Despite my hopes this time last week, I didn’t get nearly as much done as I had hoped. No idea why really, some tasks took longer than expected, and, as ever, there were the usual distractions of resolving some problems that students and tutors had. However, the week ended really well; I trained another person to assess tutors for us, and she grasped the ideas very quickly. By the end of the day I was really satisfied that she will maintain the standard that I’m trying to achieve. I slightly changed the way I teach (tutor) the assessment, so hopefully that was a positive thing, and I’ll continue in that way in future.

Also, I discovered something Google do which is really annoying. It’s to do with our adverts for tutors and students on Adwords. It’s a bit complicated to explain, but basically a couple of the experiments I’d set up didn’t work in the way I had hoped, which puts me a week or so behind the schedule I’d created. No great problem, but something I just didn’t see coming.

Right then, this week I have another assessor to train, this time in Cambridge, so we can take on more tutors there. After that my goal is to try and not let other things distract me, so I can get on with those long term tasks.