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  1. 31-07-12: Tutor Assessment Scare

    Pete's blog 31-7-12: We had a bit of a shock last weekend when an assessment day nearly went the way of the pear...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 24-07-12: EFL in Primary Schools

    Pete's blog 24-7-12: Really started tackling the intimidating job of categorising disciplines last week...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  3. 17-07-12: Tutors Not Declaring Lessons

    Pete's blog 17-7-12: I met with Laura last week, and we got cracking on categorising disciplines...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  4. 10-07-12: All Quiet on the Lessons Front

    Pete's blog 10-7-12: Laura was away for three days last week, so I was dealing with all of the admin...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  5. 03-07-12: Gove’s New GCSEs

    Pete's blog 3-7-12: It was interesting last week to read about Michael Gove’s plans to revamp the year 11 qualifications in England...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "I thought Helena was very good and Lucy really liked her. Lucy has definitely improved since Helena started teaching her."
  2. Mrs R, London