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Tuition Articles from December 2012

  1. 31-12-12: Home-Schooled Students Face Post-code Lottery

    A new report published by the commons select education committee has concluded that parents who home school their children face a post-code lottery. There are significantly different levels of support available from local councils around the country, with some councils offering appropriate support whilst others treat home-schoolers as borderline truants.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  2. 25-12-12: Comparing Qualifications

    Pete's blog 25-12-12: I should probably start off by explaining that I haven’t woken up on Christmas day...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  3. 24-12-12: Private Tutoring Increasingly Popular for Adults

    Private tutoring has become increasingly popular amongst parents hoping to help their children improve their exam grades. However, in recent year, the tuition boom has also taken off amongst adults, who are increasingly considering tuition as an option for themselves as well as their children.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  4. 21-12-12: UCAS Figures show Drop in Applications with Boys less Likely to Apply

    Conclusive UCAS figures show that there has been a record fall in the number of people taking up places at university this year, with boys less likely to attend university than girls. 54,000 fewer students took up places this autumn, which constitutes a 6.6% drop in the number of people starting a university course.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  5. 20-12-12: Report Suggests Able Maths Students Shouldn't Take Exams Early

    A new report on maths education has concluded that rushing able students through the curriculum is producing students who emerge with a superficial grasp of the subject

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  6. 19-12-12: What Tutors can Learn from Children's Book Groups

    Much of the business tutors get is for GCSE and A’ level tuition, and we have a window of time to prepare students for exams. However, parents are increasingly hiring tutors for younger children, looking to improve their general skills in reading at a young age.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  7. 18-12-12: Why is December a Strange Month for Tuition?

    Pete's blog 18-12-12: December is always a funny month for tuition...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  8. 17-12-12: Personal Statements Reveal Gap between State and Independant school Students

    A new report by Educational Charity the Sutton Trust shows that personal statements for university applications reveal sharp inequalities between state and private school applicants.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  9. 15-12-12: Tutoring Banned in UAE

    Over the past few years there has been a significant rise in the popularity of private tuition in the UAE, with parents opting for home tuition to boot their children’s education in core subjects. However, a strict warning has been issued by government officials, stating that both public and private school teachers should not offer their services as private tutors.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  10. 14-12-12: Concerns over Student Welfare

    The Royal College of Psychiatrists has recently published a report into the mental health of students in the UK. The report found that there are serious concerns over student welfare, after the number of student suicides has risen by nearly 50% in the last five years.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  11. 13-12-12: University Applications Fall by 8%

    New university application figures show that there last been an 8% drop in the number of applications from last year, putting the numbers at the lowest for 6 years. The University and Colleges Admission Service have said that so far they have received 13,000 fewer applications than the expected.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  12. 12-12-12: Music Tuition in Decline

    Arts councils and teachers in the UK have recently expressed outrage at the lack of focus on art and music in the new school curriculum. The subjects are no longer compulsory and many schools are dropping the subjects and cutting after schools programmes. In recent years, whilst requests for tutoring in core subjects have gone up, requests for music and instrumental tuition are in decline.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  13. 11-12-12: Best Tutoring Autumn Ever

    Pete's blog 11-12-12: Other than the tutor assessments I did on Thursday, it was a fairly unremarkable week last week...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  14. 10-12-12: Leage Table Puts UK Education System 6th in the World

    New Research produced by education firm Pearson has revealed that the UK education system is ranked 6th in the world. Educational superpowers Finland and South Korea were ranked first and second place in the league table.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  15. 07-12-12: Schools Concerned over Private Tuition for Entrance Exams

    Tens of thousands of families in the UK have hired private tutors to help with 11 and 13+ exams. However, some schools are now considering plans to make exams “tutor proof”, due to concerns that the wrong children are winning places at selective schools.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  16. 06-12-12: Schools put too much focus on Elite Universities

    The Office For Fair Access has released a statement this week advising schools not to focus on pushing a handful of students to get into elite universities, but to focus on all their students.

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  17. 05-12-12: Live-in Tutors

    Those wishing to make as much money as possible in a short period, for example over the summer holidays, are sometimes given the opportunity to live with their students’ families to offer intensive tuition.

    A Blue Tutors article written by Blue Tutors.

  18. 04-12-12: Grammar Checks on School Teachers

    Pete's blog 4-12-12: I noticed in an article last week that a school in Norfolk is employing proof-readers to correct grammar on school reports...

    A Blog article written by Blue Tutors.

  19. 03-12-12: Tuition for Very Young Children can be Damaging

    A Tuition News article written by Blue Tutors.

  1. "My son was absolutely thrilled with his History AS result. He got 86% in Italian and German and 66% in Tudor. Having been predicted a C in modern history, he had to take a double look at his name at the top of the certificate when he saw the A! Thank you so much for your help. It made all the difference."
  2. Tom, London