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If A levels are failing our university new starters, can tuition bridge the gap?

24th May 2012 13:03
By Blue Tutors

If A levels are failing our university new starters, can tuition bridge the gap?

After writing several articles reporting on studies which recognise a decline in standards in A level examinations and a corresponding lack of educational provision at A level for the further study of certain subjects at University level, I have to ask myself whether this is a gap that can be bridged by tutors.

I don’t mean, do we have the ability to bridge the gap - of course we do - what I mean is can we help students who, once they have got the grades and fulfilled the requirements of their offer, are now worrying that they do not possess the necessary abilities to render their university study achievable.

While this may not be something the parents want to hear, who having got their children to the summer holidays are pleased not to have to worry about paying for and arranging tuition for a while, it does seem like a golden opportunity for further study preparation.

If your tuition has come to an end with the exam, it might be an idea to email the client as results day approaches offering your services for a university preparation programme. As a new undergraduate only 4 years ago I would have benefitted greatly from tuition in how to up the level of my essay writing and research skills, how to annotate and reference correctly. If you could offer a few sessions to your student which would more prepare them for study at this higher level, where a lot of the skills are expected to be already in place then you could find yourself with well paid summer work too!